Chandigarh: PGI mulls engaging 50 phlebotomists

Posted On Aug 17th, 2022.

Reeling under manpower shortage to handle immense patient load at the PGI, the institute is now mulling to engage 50 phlebotomists through outsourcing.

As per the PGI’s proposal, the phlebotomists will help in arranging and drawing blood, placing strips and sending blood samples to relevant labs, properly identifying patients and correctly using phlebotomy methods (for example venipuncture or skin puncture), ensuring optimal quality and quantity of samples, keeping and maintaining records of patient names, volume of blood drawn, and diagnostic findings.

The institute had proposed to engage 50 phlebotomists on an outsource basis in the Standing Finance Committee. The Health Ministry has asked the institute to start the process through an outsource agency.

At present, there are seven sanctioned posts of phlebotomist and all are filled at the PGI, which is inadequate for the amount of work load in order to ensure the smooth sample collection service. As the service is critical, the work is being undertaken by junior residents. As a result, the quality of their work gets affected.

There are three laboratories at the PGI, which require phlebotomist services, including haematology, biochemistry and microbiology. Haematology and biochemistry labs send approximately 1,500 samples and microbiology lab sends 200-250 samples on a gazetted holiday. Besides, the emergency complex with 110-bed facility houses 300 patients in a given time.

As per the institute’s plan, two phlebotomists are required to cater to the requirement of sampling and processing these in a timely manner. Eight phlebotomists will be required at Hall A, Hall B and Hall C for 24x7 delivery of services.

The emergency complex also houses an independent unit for surgical emergencies - Emergency Surgical OPD (ESOPD) that caters to patients with complex disease. It will also require four phlebotomists. Similarly, an independent ICU is functional with an emergency complex that is equipped with ventilators in “emergency ward 22”. It also requires four more phlebotomists.

The first floor of the emergency complex with seven operation theatres requires four phlebotomists. The first floor also has a neurosurgical ICU with ventilators, which also needs a total of four phlebotomists to run the services 24x7.

The institute has also suggested deploying phlebotomists at a 100-bed trauma centre where a patient in the initial phase of trauma care requires a lot of blood sampling such as blood grouping and cross match. To address this, a total four phlebotomists are required to enhance the efficiency.

Around 12 more phlebotomists are required 24x7 in other areas of the Advanced Trauma Centre, which includes ATC disaster ward, ATC ICU ward & neurosurgery ward and plastic & private wards.

“The cadre of phlebotomist is one of the most important cadres in the institute. It facilitates other cadres to achieve these goals. Empirically, it may be considered the most critical step in emergency overcrowding that requires urgent attention. The number of patients and the burden of associated requirements have increased. Phlebotomists can help in easing the work flow and help the team deliver best possible patient care,” stated the institute’s proposal.

“We are working out the modalities and a tender will be floated for engaging phlebotomists through an outsourced agency,” said Kumar Gaurav Dhawan, Deputy Director, PGI.

About the proposal

As per the PGI’s proposal, phlebotomists will help in arranging and drawing blood, placing strips and sending blood samples to relevant labs, properly identifying patients and correctly using phlebotomy methods (for example venipuncture or skin puncture), ensuring optimal quality and quantity of samples, keeping and maintaining records of patient names, volume of blood drawn and diagnostic findings.

Original Post: Chandigarh: PGI mulls engaging 50 phlebotomists 

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